Hello Ma and pops!
How goes it? Talkin on Christmas was pretty awesome. I can't believe how much the kids have changed already. It was so great to see everybody. It was pretty tough thinkin the rest of the night that I wouldn't be talkin to yall again till mother's day, but then I remembered that yall aren't that interesting so it's no big deal! jk but it's a good thing that we only get to talk a couple of times a year soes I can focus on the work.
Linda was able to come to Church Sunday but she was only there for sacrament because she was going to see her son in prison, but they announced her baptism from the pulpit which was cool. We went over to see her last night, and it seems the pastor of the church has been telling her to get baptized there, which we have no idea why he would tell her that since she has already been baptized there, but oh well, she will make the right choice. I think the only thing holding her back is that the other church has a choir and she likes to sing... We were telling her about motab though, and she seemed pretty interested in listening to them, haha unfortunately the new ipod I got for Christmas isn't allowed in the Arkansas, Little rock mission.. so we can't show her.
We have also been talking to a girl named Teosha. We had an appt. with her a week ago, but when we showed up her mom yelled at us and told us to leave, we talked to Teosha on the phone awhile later and she said she still wants to meet with us, we just have to find another place to meet, so we are probably going to get a lesson in at the Mac Do haha, should be fun. Not much else goin on teaching wise, we are trying to find some new investigators. (keep us in your prayers so that we will have people placed in our path ). We need some though, the ones we have right now are at a standstill, but all is good.
Elder Boice and I have been practicing with our new nerf guns, shooting the remote control helicopter, the helicopter is a beast though, he never goes down. Opening presents on Christmas was pretty awesome, it's awesome having so much support from back home, as well as from the ward here.
On Christmas eve we went over to a family in our wards house, (the Riches) and played some games and had dinner. It was pretty awesome. Then we had ourselves a slumber party out on the couch's in front of the Christmas tree haha we woke up and opened our presents, and the Bishop came and picked us up and we went up to Caruthersville and dropped some food baskets off to some families up there, it was pretty cool being able to talk with some of the members of the ward I hadn't met and help them out. After Caruthersville we headed back to the Bishops house for dinner and to talk to yall!!! So Christmas was pretty awesome, nothin like bein home, but just as sweet.
Oh! It snowed on Christmas!!! haha It was pretty sweet, I have officially had a white Christmas in the south....check it off the bucket list. New Year's day is going to be pretty sweet too. We are going over to a members mom's house for lunch. In the South they eat black eyed peas and "hogs jowl" on new years which is for good luck and prosperity through the year. So we are going to have a nice southern meal. Then we have a baptism set, we don't have a time yet since Linda hasn't made up her mind, but it will happen, then we have an eating contest set up with Sammy. Sammy is the man! We are going to Pizza Inn (a pizza buffet) to have an eating contest with him to start off our fast... it should be pretty sweet, hopefully I don't eat too much and get sick again haha
Anywho, all is good in Blytheville, were fixin to go n' get us sum goodies from Wal-Mart and then head o'er to the church to shoot sum hoops, so I'm going to have to wrap it up.
One of the pictures I am sending is of the hospital her on the air force base... I love yall, and am missin ya, yall looked great when we talked on skype (no joke) I will read you my journal entry from Christmas when I get home haha you will like it...
Love Elder Nelson
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Day
Christmas was wonderful this year! The blessings of having a missionary are indescribable. We had an "unofficial" call in the morning to let us know what time he would be on "Skype". Stuart and I had a great conversation with our Elder and he sounded great... Later that day, the family all joined on Skype.. Elder Jake looked handsome as ever (from a proud mom) and we were so happy to talk to him and hear all about his mission and the wonderful people of Arkansas who have been so very kind and loving to him. He loves his ward and the members there who take such good care of the Elders. He spent Christmas Eve with a wonderful family where they helped in placing red luminaries down the street making a runway for Santa... (along with reindeer food)... Christmas day was spent delivering food baskets and a wonderful dinner at the home of the Bishop and his family. Thank you to all who made our son's Christmas complete!!!
The only tears were from Mom (just when we were about to hang up) but they were tears of joy and gratitude and knowing it would be five months before she sees her boy again.
The only tears were from Mom (just when we were about to hang up) but they were tears of joy and gratitude and knowing it would be five months before she sees her boy again.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
From one Mom to another...
This week I recieved a great call from Jake's companions mom... It was so fun talking to her about our sons (who indeed have alot in common) It was so great hearing about her son (Elder Parker Boice) and about his experiences in the mission this past year, and about our son's Pizza eating contest!!!
December 20, 2010
You need to send shorter e-mails. By the time I read them I can't remember the questions you ask! haha Our investigator Phillip, the one that was supposed to get baptized, well we finally caught up with him at his house. He has had a rough time, his fiance left him and took his car and all his money, then he lost his job and his license and they turned off his heat in his house, so he isn't living there anymore. So the baptism is off for now, hopefully we can find him though. We are hoping to have a baptism on New Year's Day, so we'll see.
I just sent you a package it has all of my letters in it, but also has some bracelets for the little girls from a new member family that makes them and sells them for charity. They are awesome, and heard I had nieces and made sure we took some for them. Tell the boys sorry I haven't had time to look for something for them, but will keep looking. I also sent a shirt that you will like and my memory card and then along with the letters a couple papers that you can look at like a program from church and the mission news letter. My shoes are holding up great. I haven't been walking in the rain much so I don't know if they are water proof yet. My bike is sucking it up. If you could call the company that would be great. Tell them I have been tightening up the pedal everyday like the e-mail said to, but it still came loose one day and doesn't stay tight for more than half an hour.
So on Christmas... We are having Christmas dinner at Bishop's house and Christmas eve another member of the ward (Rich's) are having us over. The ward here is sooo cool. There is a guy named brother Corbett, his son was a baseball player and is serving in AZ, but he loves baseball. We sat at his house the other night for like 2 hours and I got to see the score of the BYU game... couldn't watch it though: (but he told us if I get a glove he will take us to a field one p day and throw to us and whatnot!!! sick huh!
Anywho, I will write about Christmas on my next e-mail...
Love yall!
Keep it holy!
Love Elder Nelson
ps I did get my haircut, Elder Boice did it for me..
My schedule (since you all asked)
6:30 get up and l then exercise until 7:15
7:30 shower and eat breakfast
8 - 9 personal study
9-10 companion study
Head out tracking
1 or 2 pm lunch
tracting until around 5 then dinner
tract until around 8:30 or 9:00 pm
You need to send shorter e-mails. By the time I read them I can't remember the questions you ask! haha Our investigator Phillip, the one that was supposed to get baptized, well we finally caught up with him at his house. He has had a rough time, his fiance left him and took his car and all his money, then he lost his job and his license and they turned off his heat in his house, so he isn't living there anymore. So the baptism is off for now, hopefully we can find him though. We are hoping to have a baptism on New Year's Day, so we'll see.
I just sent you a package it has all of my letters in it, but also has some bracelets for the little girls from a new member family that makes them and sells them for charity. They are awesome, and heard I had nieces and made sure we took some for them. Tell the boys sorry I haven't had time to look for something for them, but will keep looking. I also sent a shirt that you will like and my memory card and then along with the letters a couple papers that you can look at like a program from church and the mission news letter. My shoes are holding up great. I haven't been walking in the rain much so I don't know if they are water proof yet. My bike is sucking it up. If you could call the company that would be great. Tell them I have been tightening up the pedal everyday like the e-mail said to, but it still came loose one day and doesn't stay tight for more than half an hour.
So on Christmas... We are having Christmas dinner at Bishop's house and Christmas eve another member of the ward (Rich's) are having us over. The ward here is sooo cool. There is a guy named brother Corbett, his son was a baseball player and is serving in AZ, but he loves baseball. We sat at his house the other night for like 2 hours and I got to see the score of the BYU game... couldn't watch it though: (but he told us if I get a glove he will take us to a field one p day and throw to us and whatnot!!! sick huh!
Anywho, I will write about Christmas on my next e-mail...
Love yall!
Keep it holy!
Love Elder Nelson
ps I did get my haircut, Elder Boice did it for me..
My schedule (since you all asked)
6:30 get up and l then exercise until 7:15
7:30 shower and eat breakfast
8 - 9 personal study
9-10 companion study
Head out tracking
1 or 2 pm lunch
tracting until around 5 then dinner
tract until around 8:30 or 9:00 pm
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
December 13, 2010
Mom and Dad,
Ok, so this week has been pretty sweet. We spent one day in Carutherville Missouri, which is one of the cities in our area. Caruthersville was pretty cool, it is more of what I expected the south to look like. We were able to teach a couple this week that was awesome. We knocked on their door and they invited us right in. We started teaching them the restoration and for the first time on my mission I can say I was able to speak with the spirit and I felt like I actually said stuff that helped them. The spirit was so strong and we asked them to be baptized if they felt through prayer that what we had taught them was true, and they said yes. We are going back to see them tomorrow, so hopefully they read and pray. We also taught another couple and extended an invitation to be baptized.
We were reading in 2nd Nephi 26 or 27 and it talks about teaching people not for money, but from the goodness of our hearts because we love them and want to share with them that the church is true and what it means in our lives. That is why I am out here sharing the gospel.
Anywho, I love yall and miss you like crazy. thanks for the presents, we put them all under the tree, as you can see from the pictures. I can't wait to open them. Keep sending pictures! Oh how did you like the crack house pictures??
p.s. go cougars/jazz/chargers/ it sucks that I have no idea what is going on in the world of sports, so keep me updated. What are the standings in all the sports, is Jimmer going to get MVP, and Utah sucks... plain and simple. But the church is true.!!!!!
Love Elder Nelson
Hey Pops,
I'm doin good. You wouldn't believe how cold it is. When you look online and it says that the temp is like 35, it is really about 20. The wind is always blowing which makes it colder and the humidity makes it sooo bad. I seriously haven't ever been colder. The coldest days in Utah are nothing compared to the last couple average winter days here haha, I'm stayin warm though. The coat and beanie keep me warm but my legs and face freeze. As far as the food, the ward up here is awesome, we get taken out to eat about every other day and then there is one lady i the ward that goes shopping and hooks us up with food for the rest of the time, so we rarely spend money on food. On Sundays we usually get about 50 people is all to church and this week I think we only had 34. It is tough to get investigators to show up, we are working hard though. I do have to teach a class every other week, it is Gospel principles, but we usually only have about 6 people to teach, so it's no big.
As far as my days go here, every day we wake up at 6:30, we exercise until 7 or 7:15 then we eat and shower until 8. At 8 we have personal study for an hour and then we have companion study until 10:30 then we head out and go teach. We teach until usually about 1 or 2 then eat lunch and then go back to work until about 7 to 8:30. My bike has been alright, but this week I week I started to have problems with the left pedal, it comes loose and I have to tighten it every house we stop at, it's rough, I'm hoping to find something to fix it at walmart today. We have zone conference on Thursday, but won't get a new comp for probably 3 months. Oh! the crime rate, (not to scare you) but the entire town is the "scary part of town" but we are alright, most people think we are cops...
Well, I've got to sign off... talk to you next week, Elder Nelson
Ok, so this week has been pretty sweet. We spent one day in Carutherville Missouri, which is one of the cities in our area. Caruthersville was pretty cool, it is more of what I expected the south to look like. We were able to teach a couple this week that was awesome. We knocked on their door and they invited us right in. We started teaching them the restoration and for the first time on my mission I can say I was able to speak with the spirit and I felt like I actually said stuff that helped them. The spirit was so strong and we asked them to be baptized if they felt through prayer that what we had taught them was true, and they said yes. We are going back to see them tomorrow, so hopefully they read and pray. We also taught another couple and extended an invitation to be baptized.
We were reading in 2nd Nephi 26 or 27 and it talks about teaching people not for money, but from the goodness of our hearts because we love them and want to share with them that the church is true and what it means in our lives. That is why I am out here sharing the gospel.
Anywho, I love yall and miss you like crazy. thanks for the presents, we put them all under the tree, as you can see from the pictures. I can't wait to open them. Keep sending pictures! Oh how did you like the crack house pictures??
p.s. go cougars/jazz/chargers/ it sucks that I have no idea what is going on in the world of sports, so keep me updated. What are the standings in all the sports, is Jimmer going to get MVP, and Utah sucks... plain and simple. But the church is true.!!!!!
Love Elder Nelson
Hey Pops,
I'm doin good. You wouldn't believe how cold it is. When you look online and it says that the temp is like 35, it is really about 20. The wind is always blowing which makes it colder and the humidity makes it sooo bad. I seriously haven't ever been colder. The coldest days in Utah are nothing compared to the last couple average winter days here haha, I'm stayin warm though. The coat and beanie keep me warm but my legs and face freeze. As far as the food, the ward up here is awesome, we get taken out to eat about every other day and then there is one lady i the ward that goes shopping and hooks us up with food for the rest of the time, so we rarely spend money on food. On Sundays we usually get about 50 people is all to church and this week I think we only had 34. It is tough to get investigators to show up, we are working hard though. I do have to teach a class every other week, it is Gospel principles, but we usually only have about 6 people to teach, so it's no big.
As far as my days go here, every day we wake up at 6:30, we exercise until 7 or 7:15 then we eat and shower until 8. At 8 we have personal study for an hour and then we have companion study until 10:30 then we head out and go teach. We teach until usually about 1 or 2 then eat lunch and then go back to work until about 7 to 8:30. My bike has been alright, but this week I week I started to have problems with the left pedal, it comes loose and I have to tighten it every house we stop at, it's rough, I'm hoping to find something to fix it at walmart today. We have zone conference on Thursday, but won't get a new comp for probably 3 months. Oh! the crime rate, (not to scare you) but the entire town is the "scary part of town" but we are alright, most people think we are cops...
Well, I've got to sign off... talk to you next week, Elder Nelson
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Missionary Mom's Poem
A good friend and fellow missionary mom sent me this poem:
I skipped the sales after Thanksgiving. The thrill just wasn't there.
No pictures taken with Santa Claus, My decorating has no flair.
His presents are shoes, shirts and ties, two suits and socks...no fun.
I've bought him all white clothes because...
This year I'm giving Christ my son.
I've spent more time in temple, my testimony stirred.
I've reread November's Ensign, Felt strength come from His words.
Our family prays more frequently. My tears are quick to run.
Abraham seems closer because...
This year I'm giving Christ my son.
I wonder how those Lamanite mothers, gave their sons to war?
or how the pioneers chose Zion, their sacrifice was so much more.
My loss will be his presence, I'll miss his smile a ton
for two years we will pray for him,
I'm giving Christ my son.
I stare at his face when he's not looking, I memorize his eyes
their shine. He's always hungered for the part of him,
that makes his soul divine. The stories and lessons he always heard,
His choice and mine are one. I'll put my faith in God's hand, this year,
I'm giving Him my son.
Past gifts have lost their glitter; I think I finally understand
Christ's birth should be celebrated by hiving Him a hand.
It's because I know Christ lives and reigns that all his packing's done.
My gift has taken years to make, This year...
I'm giving Christ my son.
I know there's One who understands, the sacrifice I'm making,
Who knows the gift I willingly give, The toll it will be taking.
For He has done it all before... Greater love-there could be none.
For years ago God gave to me,
His only begotten son.
The hands I washed, the hands I held, The hands I taught to pray;
now knock on doors to find the ones Who will listen to what he'll say.,
Because I know Christ needs him, Until all the gathering's done,
My gift has taken years to make.
This year...I'm giving Christ my son.
I skipped the sales after Thanksgiving. The thrill just wasn't there.
No pictures taken with Santa Claus, My decorating has no flair.
His presents are shoes, shirts and ties, two suits and socks...no fun.
I've bought him all white clothes because...
This year I'm giving Christ my son.
I've spent more time in temple, my testimony stirred.
I've reread November's Ensign, Felt strength come from His words.
Our family prays more frequently. My tears are quick to run.
Abraham seems closer because...
This year I'm giving Christ my son.
I wonder how those Lamanite mothers, gave their sons to war?
or how the pioneers chose Zion, their sacrifice was so much more.
My loss will be his presence, I'll miss his smile a ton
for two years we will pray for him,
I'm giving Christ my son.
I stare at his face when he's not looking, I memorize his eyes
their shine. He's always hungered for the part of him,
that makes his soul divine. The stories and lessons he always heard,
His choice and mine are one. I'll put my faith in God's hand, this year,
I'm giving Him my son.
Past gifts have lost their glitter; I think I finally understand
Christ's birth should be celebrated by hiving Him a hand.
It's because I know Christ lives and reigns that all his packing's done.
My gift has taken years to make, This year...
I'm giving Christ my son.
I know there's One who understands, the sacrifice I'm making,
Who knows the gift I willingly give, The toll it will be taking.
For He has done it all before... Greater love-there could be none.
For years ago God gave to me,
His only begotten son.
The hands I washed, the hands I held, The hands I taught to pray;
now knock on doors to find the ones Who will listen to what he'll say.,
Because I know Christ needs him, Until all the gathering's done,
My gift has taken years to make.
This year...I'm giving Christ my son.
Monday, December 6, 2010
December 6, 2010 Finally a word from Arkansas
Mom and Dad,
Holy cow this week has been crazy. I decided mom needs Internet on her phone so that when I e-mail yall you can e-mail me right back and we can converse!!!!
Anywho, on Wednesday we went to transfers, and I crossed the river, my new companion is Elder Boice, he went to Jordan and is pretty cool. He is a Utah fan though?? We are stationed up here in good old Blytheville Arkansas, it is the farthest north area in the mission, it covers into Missouri. The Mississippi is our boundary on the east and I have no idea where the boundaries other than that are. We spend most of our time here in Blytheville, but our area covers a huge area outside of that. Blytheville is pretty crazy, We haven't taught a white person yet, and I can't understand anyone up here, the drawl is terrible, but I'm learning, Elder Boice does all the teaching pretty much and I throw in a testimony here and there,m but I'm getting better.
Just so you feel a little better about where I live, Blytheville has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country... the other night we were chillin talkin to some kids on a street corner, and there was a shooting about a block away. It was pretty sweet, of course we proceeded into the scary part of town immediately after... don't be too scared though, the ward is amazing. Elder Boice said he hasn't spent money on food since he got here, and I haven't yet either. On our way back from transfers we stopped at a place called Tops and a member bought us lunch. It was UNREAL!!!! the BBQ is sooo good, Pats has absolutely nothing on the BBQ here.
So I thought of a couple things that might be cool for you to send me like: a headband and a gator, because I have never been so cold in my life, the humidity is deadly. Also you could send me my big knife because I found out we can have knives... can't think of anything else off the top of my head but maybe I can by the time I finish writing,.
So we have been teaching a bunch of lessons this week. Elder Boice said he has never taught so many lessons. The people are really humble and just about anyone will sit down and talk to you about Jesus because everyone here is super religious. (It seems like) We have 2 baptismal dates set, one is a guy named Phillip on the 18th, but Phillip has disappeared off the face of the earth and we can't find him, so we are hoping he comes back into town soon so we can get him wet. The next is a lady named Linda. Linda is awesome... She has a date set for new years day.
There is also a new convert family that is awesome. The Sim family. They have 3 kids and 2 of them are 3 year old twin boys, they are about half Jacks size, but sadly I think they could both take him, the people out here are pretty tough. Supposedly Missionaries get jumped every couple of months...haha The Sims are cool though. The dad is looking for job, so they are struggling, and they live in a little house that is probably smaller than a trailer, and right now they are heating it with their gas stove, which we need to change, because it is dangerous, so we are working on that.
My favorite person I have met so far is Sammy. He was baptized in the last couple months and has the biggest smile you have ever seen, an it pretty much never leaves his face. He is so enthusiastic about learning the gospel, and when we start to teach him he gets so excited he can't sit still, it's awesome. He is like a little kid. The biggest problem we face out here is that most people will accept what we teach pretty quick, but they don't understand that by doing so it means they need to follow what our church teaches, they just want to merge churches... It's kind of funny. anywho, I'm doin great, I left my backpack with all my scriptures on the transfer van though, so I'm having to make due without then for now. No worries... Tell everyone hello, I miss yall like crazy.
Love, Elder Nelson
ps we have a bike and a car. Most days we drive our car to the church then ride our bikes all day. We live in a duplex and it is cooold outside.
Holy cow this week has been crazy. I decided mom needs Internet on her phone so that when I e-mail yall you can e-mail me right back and we can converse!!!!
Anywho, on Wednesday we went to transfers, and I crossed the river, my new companion is Elder Boice, he went to Jordan and is pretty cool. He is a Utah fan though?? We are stationed up here in good old Blytheville Arkansas, it is the farthest north area in the mission, it covers into Missouri. The Mississippi is our boundary on the east and I have no idea where the boundaries other than that are. We spend most of our time here in Blytheville, but our area covers a huge area outside of that. Blytheville is pretty crazy, We haven't taught a white person yet, and I can't understand anyone up here, the drawl is terrible, but I'm learning, Elder Boice does all the teaching pretty much and I throw in a testimony here and there,m but I'm getting better.
Just so you feel a little better about where I live, Blytheville has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country... the other night we were chillin talkin to some kids on a street corner, and there was a shooting about a block away. It was pretty sweet, of course we proceeded into the scary part of town immediately after... don't be too scared though, the ward is amazing. Elder Boice said he hasn't spent money on food since he got here, and I haven't yet either. On our way back from transfers we stopped at a place called Tops and a member bought us lunch. It was UNREAL!!!! the BBQ is sooo good, Pats has absolutely nothing on the BBQ here.
So I thought of a couple things that might be cool for you to send me like: a headband and a gator, because I have never been so cold in my life, the humidity is deadly. Also you could send me my big knife because I found out we can have knives... can't think of anything else off the top of my head but maybe I can by the time I finish writing,.
So we have been teaching a bunch of lessons this week. Elder Boice said he has never taught so many lessons. The people are really humble and just about anyone will sit down and talk to you about Jesus because everyone here is super religious. (It seems like) We have 2 baptismal dates set, one is a guy named Phillip on the 18th, but Phillip has disappeared off the face of the earth and we can't find him, so we are hoping he comes back into town soon so we can get him wet. The next is a lady named Linda. Linda is awesome... She has a date set for new years day.
There is also a new convert family that is awesome. The Sim family. They have 3 kids and 2 of them are 3 year old twin boys, they are about half Jacks size, but sadly I think they could both take him, the people out here are pretty tough. Supposedly Missionaries get jumped every couple of months...haha The Sims are cool though. The dad is looking for job, so they are struggling, and they live in a little house that is probably smaller than a trailer, and right now they are heating it with their gas stove, which we need to change, because it is dangerous, so we are working on that.
My favorite person I have met so far is Sammy. He was baptized in the last couple months and has the biggest smile you have ever seen, an it pretty much never leaves his face. He is so enthusiastic about learning the gospel, and when we start to teach him he gets so excited he can't sit still, it's awesome. He is like a little kid. The biggest problem we face out here is that most people will accept what we teach pretty quick, but they don't understand that by doing so it means they need to follow what our church teaches, they just want to merge churches... It's kind of funny. anywho, I'm doin great, I left my backpack with all my scriptures on the transfer van though, so I'm having to make due without then for now. No worries... Tell everyone hello, I miss yall like crazy.
Love, Elder Nelson
ps we have a bike and a car. Most days we drive our car to the church then ride our bikes all day. We live in a duplex and it is cooold outside.
First Letter from Arkansas!

President and Sister Drewes with Elder Nelson
Mom and Dad,
Today has been insane. We got here, went to Taco Bell and then went straight out trackting and contacting. The people were way nice. We ran into a group of guys sitting out around a fire in a barrel, one was named "dog face" ??? He just asked me about my love life the whole time, but with a few choice words haha, or a couple hundred. It was funny. They gave me the lead at a door we knocked... I slaughtered it. I started talking and just went blank. It was bad, the other missionaries saved me though.
The President and his wife are awesome. Part of our mission song involves throwing a Tiger Woods fist pump, and President Drewes throws it into the closest Elder...
Tell everyone I am doing good. I go to transfers and meet my companion tomorrow. The President tells me I am serving somewhere in the North, which will be colder.
Little Rock is beautiful, there is water everywhere and it is really green. We were in the Ghetto today, it was interesting. The people for the most part are in pretty good spirits, they are probably all drunk though. The President told me you could send my glove, so you should send it? my flare!! I can throw on P-days. My P-day will be Monday, so I will be able to e-mail you then.
I love you and miss you. Love Elder Nelson
Today has been insane. We got here, went to Taco Bell and then went straight out trackting and contacting. The people were way nice. We ran into a group of guys sitting out around a fire in a barrel, one was named "dog face" ??? He just asked me about my love life the whole time, but with a few choice words haha, or a couple hundred. It was funny. They gave me the lead at a door we knocked... I slaughtered it. I started talking and just went blank. It was bad, the other missionaries saved me though.
The President and his wife are awesome. Part of our mission song involves throwing a Tiger Woods fist pump, and President Drewes throws it into the closest Elder...
Tell everyone I am doing good. I go to transfers and meet my companion tomorrow. The President tells me I am serving somewhere in the North, which will be colder.
Little Rock is beautiful, there is water everywhere and it is really green. We were in the Ghetto today, it was interesting. The people for the most part are in pretty good spirits, they are probably all drunk though. The President told me you could send my glove, so you should send it? my flare!! I can throw on P-days. My P-day will be Monday, so I will be able to e-mail you then.
I love you and miss you. Love Elder Nelson
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
One last call from Texas!
We received one last call from Fort Worth Texas while our Elder had a layover. By now the excitement had worn off a bit and he and his companion were feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought that now they were in for the "real deal". We loved talking with him and updating him on all the news, so when his calling card said "one minute" it was hard to say goodbye... He was doing great though, and the only tears that were shared were from mommy... (after we hung up of course) We would just love to be there when he meets his Mission President and his new companion. He is in for great ride.
ARKANSAS...Here he comes Nov 30, 2010
Elder Nelson left the MTC at 3:00 this morning, and at 5:00 am we received the greatest call from the Salt Lake Airport. Stuart and I could not be more proud of our sweet Elder. It was amazing how much he had changed already. His testimony has grown, he loves the Lord, and is humble but so excited to head out into the field. He sounded great, and was dodging the TV sets (since they are off limits) haha He is an obedient Elder!!! He will fly to Dallas Fort Worth, and then on to Little Rock. We love and miss him, but would not want him to be any other place at this time. Good Luck Elder, may the Lord bless you and keep you safe.
I am Thankful for...
In no particular order:
1. My Family, that I can be an example to, and is an example to me
2. My Companion
3. My District
4. Missionaries
5. Missionary Work
6. Living Prophet
7. Plan of Salvation
8. Family Support
9. Service
10. Jesus Christ
11. Food on the Table
12. Home
13. Friends
14. The Temple
15. My Home Ward
16. My Sisters
17. My Brother in Laws
18. Jack and Wes
19. Sylvie, Stella, Annie, Ellie
20. Atonement
21. Prayer
22. The fact that I have come to know that the Church is True
23. Repentance
24. Joseph Smith
25. BYU
26. Receiving Letters
27. Rednecks
28. Many other things!!
29. My Heavenly Father, because all the the things on this list are not possible without him
I Love you Family. I miss you and thank you for all of your prayers and support. I hope that I
can be an example to all of you , especially Jack, Sylvie, Stella, Weston, Annie and Ellie.
I will never be able to thank you enough. I want all of you to know that the Church is True. I know it is without a doubt.
Love, Elder Nelson
1. My Family, that I can be an example to, and is an example to me
2. My Companion
3. My District
4. Missionaries
5. Missionary Work
6. Living Prophet
7. Plan of Salvation
8. Family Support
9. Service
10. Jesus Christ
11. Food on the Table
12. Home
13. Friends
14. The Temple
15. My Home Ward
16. My Sisters
17. My Brother in Laws
18. Jack and Wes
19. Sylvie, Stella, Annie, Ellie
20. Atonement
21. Prayer
22. The fact that I have come to know that the Church is True
23. Repentance
24. Joseph Smith
25. BYU
26. Receiving Letters
27. Rednecks
28. Many other things!!
29. My Heavenly Father, because all the the things on this list are not possible without him
I Love you Family. I miss you and thank you for all of your prayers and support. I hope that I
can be an example to all of you , especially Jack, Sylvie, Stella, Weston, Annie and Ellie.
I will never be able to thank you enough. I want all of you to know that the Church is True. I know it is without a doubt.
Love, Elder Nelson
Monday, November 29, 2010
Suspicious Text
Saturday, November 27th Stuart received an unknown text (right in the middle of the BYU vs. Utah game)... Stating "This is Elder Nelson's teacher at the MTC, He needs to know the score of the game. (At the time BYU was up 13 to 0)... The little con artist! We smiled all day!!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
This Thanksgiving Day we give thanks for family, and are so blessed to be surrounded with two of our four children and their families. We miss the other two, but are grateful that they are well. We are especially blessed to have a missionary about to head into the field of "Arkansas". We loved hearing from him, and that he is happy and ready to head out on this amazing journey. We are so grateful that has turned himself over to the Lord and trusts in him.
November 24, 2010
Hey Mom and Dad;
Sorry this is coming so late, the computers were down so I was just able to get on! I wrote you a letter, but now I'm on so oh well. Things are going much better for me, if you get a bill in the mail from the health center don't worry. They told me that I am getting ulcers from stress, so they gave me some pills. I'm doin alright though. We got our itineraries and we leave on Tuesday the 30th at 3:00 a.m. so be ready for a call around 4:00 to 4:30:) You can wake up that early... haha Thank you so much for the package tonight... It was really fun opening it. (We sent a bowling set, so he didn't have to miss the annual family Thanksgiving bowling, and a BYU football, with alot of party treats.) It was really sweet!! Actually both of them (Pies). My district/whole apartment floor loves you!
Make sure you Dear Elder me this Saturday as soon as the game is over, so I can know what happened (BYU UTAH) I will be freaking out. I could hear the game on Saturday and it was killing me knowing you were so close, and that I was missing it. I got to sing along to the fight song though!!! I could hear that well! I even knew every play they ran!!! Let me know how the basketball team is doing too, and the Jazz, and Eric and the Chargers!!
I can't wait to get our of here and go to Arkansas!! I did write to Dusty today too, we need to get him baptized.
I sent my camera card to you yesterday, so it should get there soon. It has some good pictures on it. You are amazing, sorry if I forgot to tell you anything. I have to get to class pretty soon so I've got to wrap up. I love yall so much and miss you like crazy. Two years is going to fly by though, this past week has felt like a day.
Oh, I ripped my pin stripped suit pants, is there a way I can ship them home and you fix them? they are pretty bad, I can't do it myself. Our new roommates are pretty cool, one of them is about 6'6" and looks just like Thomas! It's freaky, he just has black hair. Anyway, I've got to run, teacher is getting mad. I will talk to you on Tuesday morning.
Love you,
your baby boy
Elder Nelson
Oh and something else. The sisters in my district are going to Temple Square, so when you go there you need to find them and say hi, they are sister Wilson, Sister Holliday and Sister Bryars (all Australian) Try and Dear Elder me with scores as often as you can, I don't know anything about the outside world... We are in prison... less sodomy though hahaha Hopefully Dad laughed at that, and I'm sure mom has that half smile half trying not to smile look on her face. Love to all.
Sorry this is coming so late, the computers were down so I was just able to get on! I wrote you a letter, but now I'm on so oh well. Things are going much better for me, if you get a bill in the mail from the health center don't worry. They told me that I am getting ulcers from stress, so they gave me some pills. I'm doin alright though. We got our itineraries and we leave on Tuesday the 30th at 3:00 a.m. so be ready for a call around 4:00 to 4:30:) You can wake up that early... haha Thank you so much for the package tonight... It was really fun opening it. (We sent a bowling set, so he didn't have to miss the annual family Thanksgiving bowling, and a BYU football, with alot of party treats.) It was really sweet!! Actually both of them (Pies). My district/whole apartment floor loves you!
Make sure you Dear Elder me this Saturday as soon as the game is over, so I can know what happened (BYU UTAH) I will be freaking out. I could hear the game on Saturday and it was killing me knowing you were so close, and that I was missing it. I got to sing along to the fight song though!!! I could hear that well! I even knew every play they ran!!! Let me know how the basketball team is doing too, and the Jazz, and Eric and the Chargers!!
I can't wait to get our of here and go to Arkansas!! I did write to Dusty today too, we need to get him baptized.
I sent my camera card to you yesterday, so it should get there soon. It has some good pictures on it. You are amazing, sorry if I forgot to tell you anything. I have to get to class pretty soon so I've got to wrap up. I love yall so much and miss you like crazy. Two years is going to fly by though, this past week has felt like a day.
Oh, I ripped my pin stripped suit pants, is there a way I can ship them home and you fix them? they are pretty bad, I can't do it myself. Our new roommates are pretty cool, one of them is about 6'6" and looks just like Thomas! It's freaky, he just has black hair. Anyway, I've got to run, teacher is getting mad. I will talk to you on Tuesday morning.
Love you,
your baby boy
Elder Nelson
Oh and something else. The sisters in my district are going to Temple Square, so when you go there you need to find them and say hi, they are sister Wilson, Sister Holliday and Sister Bryars (all Australian) Try and Dear Elder me with scores as often as you can, I don't know anything about the outside world... We are in prison... less sodomy though hahaha Hopefully Dad laughed at that, and I'm sure mom has that half smile half trying not to smile look on her face. Love to all.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Keep Praying!
Our hearts are full as we see such a humble change in our son, but also can feel his homesickness and know that he needs our prayers. We are so proud of him and know that great things come from hard work and sacrifice.
Nov 17, 2010
Dear Mom,
To answer your questions: My best experience so far is we had a devotional by Elder Pearson of the Quorum of the Seventy's, the spirit was amazing. He talked about us no longer being the boys were were at home but the desciples we need to be in order to be great missionaries. We have to do what we are supposed to do 100% of the time or we won't get everything we can out of our missions. My worst experience is the food... awful! and my funniest experience so far is my companion and I staged a fake fight for some new Elders that were coming into our room. (Me and my comp were the only two in our room the first week). It was awesome and we all had alot of good laughs. As far as my testimony, I went into this thinking that I could do it by myself, and quickly learned that that wasn't possible. In order for me to be the missionary I can be I must give myself completely to the Lord. This is the hardest thing I have ever done, but since I made the decision that I need to be a desciple and not Jake Nelson the baseball player or whatever I was at home, things have been so much better, and I have been happier.
Anyway, thanks for the updates on the gamnes, I was dying on Saturday not being able to watch, and didn't even know the outcome till tuesday!!! I was so excited though, especially hearing that Utah got thumped. BYU is going to win this year!!! It's great. The Jazz updates are awesome too, they are getting a chanpionship while I'm gone!!
The MTC is a rollercoaster, some days I want to come home and give up, and I feel terrible, and some days I feel like I could go out and teach right now! I miss you guys so much.
I think it might be easier for you to send me some cardvoard or something to tape my phot card to to send it home. I made a couple videos for you so you can put it in your camera and watch! thanks for working on my car. I'm sure Josephine looks amazing! Don't worry about me, I am doing great, my comp is a redneck, so we are getting along great!!! Tell everyone hello for me and I love then. Love Elder Nelson ps. Oh, and keep praying for me, I need them
I love you guys so much, thank you for everything, you are amazing. Give me a honk on the way home from the game on Saturday, we are in the building on the far southwest corner of the MTC, so you know haha 4th floor. Keep praying for me.
Sorry I'm not there to help with the leaves, honestly there have been times when I would rather ve doing that, but I'm good now. I love you so much and hopefully I'm not forgetting to tell you something because I only get 30 min. on the computer every week at like 11:30, so I gotta hurry, the computer shuts off when the timer runs out. Send pictures, I can't open them on the computer so send them snail mail, I can't even tell you how much I miss you. Oh well, love you guys, keep cheering on my teams... Elder Jake Nelson
To answer your questions: My best experience so far is we had a devotional by Elder Pearson of the Quorum of the Seventy's, the spirit was amazing. He talked about us no longer being the boys were were at home but the desciples we need to be in order to be great missionaries. We have to do what we are supposed to do 100% of the time or we won't get everything we can out of our missions. My worst experience is the food... awful! and my funniest experience so far is my companion and I staged a fake fight for some new Elders that were coming into our room. (Me and my comp were the only two in our room the first week). It was awesome and we all had alot of good laughs. As far as my testimony, I went into this thinking that I could do it by myself, and quickly learned that that wasn't possible. In order for me to be the missionary I can be I must give myself completely to the Lord. This is the hardest thing I have ever done, but since I made the decision that I need to be a desciple and not Jake Nelson the baseball player or whatever I was at home, things have been so much better, and I have been happier.
Anyway, thanks for the updates on the gamnes, I was dying on Saturday not being able to watch, and didn't even know the outcome till tuesday!!! I was so excited though, especially hearing that Utah got thumped. BYU is going to win this year!!! It's great. The Jazz updates are awesome too, they are getting a chanpionship while I'm gone!!
The MTC is a rollercoaster, some days I want to come home and give up, and I feel terrible, and some days I feel like I could go out and teach right now! I miss you guys so much.
I think it might be easier for you to send me some cardvoard or something to tape my phot card to to send it home. I made a couple videos for you so you can put it in your camera and watch! thanks for working on my car. I'm sure Josephine looks amazing! Don't worry about me, I am doing great, my comp is a redneck, so we are getting along great!!! Tell everyone hello for me and I love then. Love Elder Nelson ps. Oh, and keep praying for me, I need them
I love you guys so much, thank you for everything, you are amazing. Give me a honk on the way home from the game on Saturday, we are in the building on the far southwest corner of the MTC, so you know haha 4th floor. Keep praying for me.
Sorry I'm not there to help with the leaves, honestly there have been times when I would rather ve doing that, but I'm good now. I love you so much and hopefully I'm not forgetting to tell you something because I only get 30 min. on the computer every week at like 11:30, so I gotta hurry, the computer shuts off when the timer runs out. Send pictures, I can't open them on the computer so send them snail mail, I can't even tell you how much I miss you. Oh well, love you guys, keep cheering on my teams... Elder Jake Nelson
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wahoo!!! First Letters 2 at once

Mom and Dad;
Shoot, today has been a blur, things have gone by so fast. My comp is awesome. His name is Elder Leavit, he is from Moapa Valley NV. (The hole you go through on your way to Lake Mead, is how he puts it). He is a football player and seems cool. We are getting along great so far. We got here today and met with our zone. Our zone is cool, we have an Elder and a Sister from Australia, but we are the only two going to Arkansas, everyone else is going to Everett Washington. I am doin good guys, I miss you like crazy but so far it has been good. Hopefully I can sleep tonight. My P days are on Wednesday, so that will be the day I can respond to you. By the way, I am the only lad in here without treats, so you should send some, and some listerine strips so I don't feel bad getting treats from others. My zone leaders are cool too, pretty relaxed so it's going to be good.
When I first got here I ran into Elder Hilton and we talked for like half an hour, it was great, they are sending him to Pocatello on monday until his visa comes through, so tell Gary and Karleen to watch for him. We had a good talk though and he is doin good. I also ran into Elder Farley and Elder Glenn, it was nice to see some familiar faces.
Anyways, I am supposed to be asleep so I've got to go. I love you and miss you so much.
Love Elder Jake Nelson
Letter 2
Mom and Dad there are a few things I didn't tell you that I forgot, please send vitamins, I was told to take them so I don't get sick. My second day was great. People say it takes some time to get into the flow and start enjoying it. It's tough to get going, but I am loving it already. Elder Leavitt is awesome. We are getting along great, and we are alot alike.
They made me District Leader today by the way. So I am over the 12 missionaries in our district. We spend pretty much the entire day together. The district is great, we have some good Elders and Sisters. Tell T-Bizzy her letter didn't come, no idea why.
The check I sent you I found in my pocket, so you know. So you all know you don't have to send me letters just use dearelder.com and I will get them that day. Make sure when you write to let me know what is going on in the outside world. We don't hear anything in here.
Tell everybody hi, I love you all soo much and I miss you like crazy!!!! Love Elder Jake Nelson
p.s. send me and my comp a case of mountain dew!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
November 10, 2010
Stuart and I could never have prepared for our feelings and emotions today. We are filled with a sense of pride, happiness and unbelievable gratitude for Jake's service and sacrifice to the lord. On the other hand, we ache at the thought that we won't see him for 2 years. Stuart is having bigtime withdrawl not being able to text him and we both wish we could just be there to see his face each time he has a new, incredible experience. Our emotions are high, but there is no other place in the world that we would want him to be at this time. We love you Elder Nelson and can't wait to hear from you.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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