Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 16, 2012 Welcome Elder Carter

You're in Bermuda??? What the heck? Haha. Hope y'all are having a good time, because I sure am. My new companion is Elder Carter, you might remember him, he was in my district up in Trenton, he is the one who is 6'6, we are having a blast. Being Zone leader has been super he tic... I will try to describe my week this week. Wednesday we went to transfer meeting and it got over at 7:00, they officially called us as zone leaders, then informed us that we have a zone meeting where we train the whole zone at 10:00 am and that President Peterson was going to be there to oversee it. Haha We were up to 1:00 am preparing for it. Then we finished and get a call that we are meeting with the Stake President, the AP's and the President to discuss our zone at 4:00. Unfortunately, we knew nothing about any of them seeing that we were called the day before, so we spent the afternoon calling all the areas and asking them about the work. That meeting ended up going great. When we finished we were informed that we needed to go to the hospital to give a guy a blessing, so we start hedging there, we get there and ask them for his info and they say they don't have it yet, so we went and spoke with the chaplain about getting on some kind of list of clergy for people to talk to in times of crisis. They finally got us his info and we went to his room....wrong room. So we asked the nurse and she looks up and says there is no one by that name in this hospital. We went home and about 9:45 we are getting ready for bed and the Elders who asked us to go called and said that they had given us his nickname and that he was going into surgery the next morning and. Needed a blessing that night. So, we hopped in the car and drove back then ended back home around 11:00, didn't get to bed until like 12:00, so another sleepless night. Saturday was spent stressing about my talk the next morning. (I may be able to write a talk on my own now, bit I sure as heck am scared to death to give one). Haha. Didn't sleep much that night. Then last night we got into a cleaning tirade, because our apt. Just has way too much stuff,so we were organizing and throwing stuff away. Once again, didn't get much sleep. Now we have a zone conference and we will have a 45 minute assignment to train half the mission on, so they are keeping us busy, not to mention our phone rings off the hook non stop. It has been cool though... Hopefully we can do a good job. Our zone is somewhat notorious for being all that successful,but we are going to get things going. I love y'all. Hope all is going well in the civilian world. Love, Elder Nelson.

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